Anthony Lasslett
Engineering Management MSc online student
September 2019 intake
What motivated you to study for an online Engineering Management MSc course?
I studied a very technical subject in Control and Instrumentation at City University, London and over the last 10 years I have progressed from an engineering position to management. Therefore, to help my transition I wanted to get some academic qualifications that delve deeper into the management aspects of my role. I chose the course at the University of Leeds because it is management but specifically, for engineers like me.
What has your experience of an online course with Leeds been like so far?
About 20 years ago, I did a distance learning MBA, which was mainly through emails; it was distance learning but not online. On the other hand, the Engineering Management MSc online course is much more interactive, and you can speak to other students and tutors about the work, which makes it much more interesting and a better learning experience overall.
What have you enjoyed most about the course so far?
The assignments are a positive challenge– they make you think, and you are required to put in a lot of effort. One of the great things about the module content is you can extract a lot of the detail from the theory and apply it directly to a case study or real-life scenario, which makes the assignments very relevant.
How has the course helped you in your day-to-day role?
It is complementing my day-to-day role. There are certainly things that I am learning which I can apply directly to my day to day role.
Tell us about the support you are receiving for your studies?
The module tutors are very understanding if you have an issue or you want to ask a question. You can either email or place a message on the bulletin board to which you will receive a very quick response. I am also in regular contact with my Student Success Advisor which is a useful resource too.
What advice would you give to someone considering studying an online Masters course with Leeds?
I think you must be realistic in terms of your time management. It is not something that you can do right after you finish work. You might need to use weekends or lunch breaks sometimes to keep up so you need to make sure you put the time into the course to ensure that you get the best out of it.