Minerva VLE Walkthrough

When studying online at the University of Leeds, you will be given access to our virtual learning environment, Minerva. This is where you will find all the information you need to study your course and complete the lessons and assignments that form the course content. It is your portal for the duration of your study at the University of Leeds and gives you an interactive and intuitive space to learn, discuss and succeed.

Minerva stores most of your module content:


    Reading lists & digitised articles


    Weblinks & interactive resources


    Images & streaming video


    Lecture recordings*


    Assignments & tests

Minerva also provides an easy way to read all your University and Module announcements, find out about news and events, and connect with other University services.

*Lecture recordings from participating Schools only


You can login to our online learning platform Minerva by visiting minerva.leeds.ac.uk and entering your university email and password into the corresponding boxes.

Press enter on your keyboard or click “Sign in” to enter your student portal.

Discussion Board

On your left-hand control panel within Minerva, you have a Discussion Board Section. This part of the Virtual Learning Environment allows you to enter rich discussions and debates with module tutors and colleagues on your course.

These forums are made up of individual discussion threads that can be organised around particular points of discussion that might have come up during a lecture or seminar and you can contribute to these throughout each module. The threads are conversations within the forum that include the initial post and all replies to it, allowing you to see what other students are contributing to discussions too.

You’ll also receive notifications of unread posts and unread replies so that you can see answers to any questions or discussion points you have posted in the forums.

Module content – Unit One

To view individual unit content, simply click on the unit you are studying, which will be displayed down the left-hand side of the navigation bar. For example, if you are studying “What is Innovation?”, you would click into this unit.

This takes you to a page with everything you need to know about the module, including an introduction video and general information such as study time, as well as tasks and the overall structure of that unit.

Module content – What is Innovation?

Within each unit, there are specific lessons that you will be working through during your time studying the course. For example, if you were to click into the lesson titled: “What is Innovation?”, you would be taken to anther page with all the information you need to study.

This includes:

  • The learning outcomes;
  • An introduction to what you’re learning;
  • Video content to watch and learn from;
  • Reading lists and extended reading to broaden your knowledge further.

Each week, you will work through these items, as advised by a module tutor, until you make it to the final assessment.

Module content – Unit Six

Another example would be if you clicked into Unit 6: “Creative Problem Solving” and then Lesson 6.2: Methods for Design Thinking. When clicking into this lesson, you will see that there are interactive elements and sections to read to broaden your learning and make it interesting, as well as expansion areas to absorb more knowledge.

The interactivity of Minerva allows you to get out as much information as you can to inform your assignments and obtain the best grade possible overall.

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